
What are Time Wasters to an Entrepreneur?

BY: Gelli Pearl
POSTED November 16, 2023 IN

Time is a precious commodity for entrepreneurs. They are constantly trying to balance multiple tasks, meet deadlines, and grow their businesses. However, there are several time wasters that can slow down an entrepreneur’s progress and prevent them from achieving their goals. In this article, we will discuss some common time-wasters that entrepreneurs face and how to avoid them.

Email Overload

Email is a necessary evil for entrepreneurs, but it can quickly become a time-consuming task. Entrepreneurs can waste a lot of time checking and responding to emails, leading to decreased productivity and missed opportunities. To avoid email overload, entrepreneurs can set specific times during the day to check their emails and respond to them. They can also use tools like filters and labels to prioritize their emails and reduce the time spent on them.


Meetings can be a time waster for entrepreneurs if they are not managed properly. Entrepreneurs can spend hours in meetings that don’t achieve anything, resulting in lost time and productivity. To avoid this, entrepreneurs can set clear agendas for their meetings and ensure that they stick to them. They can also limit the number of attendees to those who are essential to the discussion and avoid scheduling meetings for longer than necessary.

Social Media

Social media can be a powerful tool for entrepreneurs, but it can also be a major time waster. Entrepreneurs can spend hours scrolling through their social media feeds and responding to comments, which can distract them from their work. To avoid this, entrepreneurs can limit their social media usage during work hours and set specific times to check and respond to their accounts.


Multitasking can seem like a good idea for entrepreneurs who are trying to juggle multiple tasks, but it can actually be a time waster. Entrepreneurs can waste time switching between tasks and lose focus on what they are doing. To avoid this, entrepreneurs can prioritize their tasks and focus on completing one task at a time. They can also use tools like time blocking to schedule their tasks and ensure that they are not wasting time on unnecessary activities.


Procrastination is a common problem for entrepreneurs, but it can be a major time waster. Entrepreneurs can waste time putting off tasks and missing important deadlines. To avoid procrastination, entrepreneurs can break their tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and set deadlines for each one. They can also use tools like the Pomodoro technique to break their work into short, focused intervals and take regular breaks to avoid burnout.


Distractions are everywhere, and they can be a major time waster for entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs can waste time on social media, chatting with colleagues, or browsing the internet. To avoid distractions, entrepreneurs can create a distraction-free workspace and use tools like noise-cancelling headphones to block out background noise. They can also use apps like Freedom or RescueTime to block access to distracting websites and apps.

Poor Time Management

Poor time management is a major time waste for entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs can waste time on tasks that are not important or take longer than necessary to complete. To avoid poor time management, entrepreneurs can create a daily schedule and prioritize their tasks based on their importance. They can also use time-tracking tools like Toggl or Harvest to monitor their time and identify areas where they are wasting it.


Micromanaging can be a major time waste for entrepreneurs who are trying to do everything themselves. Entrepreneurs can waste time checking and rechecking their work or overseeing every aspect of their business. To avoid micromanaging, entrepreneurs can delegate tasks to their team members and trust them to complete the work. They can also set clear expectations and provide feedback to ensure that their team members are on the right track. Additionally, entrepreneurs can establish standard operating procedures (SOPs) and document their processes, which can help ensure that tasks are completed consistently and efficiently.

Lack of Focus

Lack of focus is a common time waster for entrepreneurs, especially those who work from home or have flexible schedules. Entrepreneurs can easily get distracted by household chores, personal tasks, or other non-work-related activities. To avoid a lack of focus, entrepreneurs can establish a dedicated workspace and schedule their work hours. They can also use techniques like the Pomodoro technique or time blocking to stay focused on their tasks.

Poor Communication

Poor communication can be a major time waster for entrepreneurs, especially when it comes to working with team members, clients, or suppliers. Misunderstandings, delays, and other communication issues can lead to wasted time and missed opportunities. To avoid poor communication, entrepreneurs can establish clear communication channels and protocols, such as regular check-ins or project status updates. They can also use tools like project management software or collaboration platforms to streamline communication and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

In conclusion, there are many time-wasters that entrepreneurs face on a daily basis. These include email overload, meetings, social media, multitasking, procrastination, distractions, poor time management, micromanaging, a lack of focus, and poor communication. However, by implementing strategies such as setting clear priorities, delegating tasks, establishing SOPs, and improving communication, entrepreneurs can avoid these time wasters and maximize their productivity and success. Ultimately, entrepreneurs who can effectively manage their time will be better equipped to achieve their goals and grow their businesses.


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